How is the fly fishing in Texas? Watch the report, and you decide! We have weather to deal with - heavy rains and floodwaters moving down the river systems to the Texas Gulf Cost. Fall transitions in fly fishing in Texas means NO patterns sometimes. This is one of those times. We don't have true COLD weather, but have had three cool fronts. The rain has filled the lakes and there are opportunities to fly fish when authorities open the dams. When the DO open the dams, that moves water downriver to the Texas Gulf Coast. That means freshwater in the Texas Gulf Coast bay system - which is very good. It helps balance salinity and encourages a healthy saltwater ecosystem (except for all the pollution and chemical runoff of course). The VOLUME of water is so great that many of the negatives are diluted significantly. WE also have to wonder about how the problems with red tide have benefitted our coast.
FRESH WATER - Fish are all through different depths (bass) as they move to fatten up for winter. FISH FLASH opportunities occur below dams. RIVERS are taking it on the chin, as the releases are blowing them out. BEWARE - heed warnings below dams and on rivers! Turn around and don't drown! Working in the newspaper business as a photographer, I have seen drowning victims, and it isn't pretty. It has been 30-years, and I still see it actually.
Lake Somerville and Lake Welsh are your Texas lakes to watch RIGHT NOW.
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