Catching Catfish, Uncle Steve Style!...Broke Fishing

Catching Catfish, Uncle Steve Style!...Broke Fishing

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Publish Date:
February 4, 2023
FlyFishing Fails
Video License
Standard License
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I am still a huge fan of Uncle Steve, so it seemed like a good time to channel him to catch some of these channel catfish from this stocked pond using worms. I only intended to do some scouting here in order to find a good place to take the kids fishing (you know how kids get bored easily), but the catfish participated quite well. I'm not so proud that I will skip an opportunity to feed my family, but I most likely won't fish this pond anymore without the kids. It felt dirty, but it was pretty cool to get back to my roots and stand on a bank.

Thanks again Uncle Steve for your contribution to the YouTube fishing community!

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